We are getting back in the swing of things and it is SO AWESOME! I am LOVING meeting so many new friends and seeing so many familiar faces. If you see an unfamiliar face at drop off or pick up, please introduce yourself! We have so many new members of the Temple Emanu-El family!
Please make sure to read to the bottom for a very important message/request from Rabbi Rachael and to see adorable photos from our 2nd day!
Please remember, all grades start at 9:00 am and end at 12:30 pm. (Except PreK - 9:30-12:00).
As we get back into the routine, here are a few things you and your children should remember:
CARPOOL - 3rd grade and older can use carpool. Please let your children know ahead of time if you are picking them up in carpool so they can come out of the lobby to look for the car. Any student younger than 3rd grade will need to be picked up at their classroom.
DRIVEWAY, CROSSWALK, and PARKING LOT - NO students may go into the driveway, across the crosswalk, or into the parking lot unaccompanied by their caregiver. Please do not let your child run ahead of you or in any areas where cars are located.
EARLY PICK-UP - Any student who needs to be picked up early will be pickedup in the Religious School office. Please email me ahead of time OR send a note with your child. NO children will be dismissed early from the classroom. EVERY child has to be signed out in the office.
PLEASE SEND - Each child should have a refillable water bottle and an extra mask with them. Additionally, if you want to send a nut-free snack with your child, feel free. Challah is served as snack.
Hebrew Skills (Kippah Levels) started last week. This is for students in 3rd grade and older. There will be lists posted in the lobby, outside the building, and the clergy and I will have lists to help students find their way.
If anyone needs a little aleph bet review, check out these cool Quizlets that Moreh Ilan sent:
Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd Grade Families: Be on the lookout for information about Consecration! Mark your calendars for Friday, September 24, 2021!!
As a reminder, here are our COVID protocols:
During religious school hours, masks must be worn by all students, staff, and visitors while in the building. This is regardless of vaccination status. If anyone forgets to bring a mask, we will have disposable masks available for their use.
Hand sanitizer will be available at each entrance and throughout the building.
Snacks will be enjoyed outside when practical and in the event of rain, we will use our large spaces such as the social hall to allow students to take off their masks to enjoy a bit of challah in a physically distanced environment.
All classes have assigned outdoor or large indoor spaces in order to keep our students as distanced and as safe as possible.
When NOT to come to class:
If a student or a member of your family has a suspected or confirmed case of coronavirus, no member of the family should come to religious school.
If there is a coronavirus case confirmed at your child’s Monday-Friday school that requires them to be quarantined from class, we require that all your children be quarantined from Sunday School as well.
If any member of the family has any of these symptoms, the student should not come to class:
If your child tests positive, please let us know as soon as possible. If the positive case happens within 2 days of being in our building, we must notify families and follow the quarantine guidance of the Georgia Department of Community Health, which means affected classrooms will be virtual the following week.
I know this is all a lot of information. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact the office at 770-352-9190 or by e-mail at bblick@TEAtlanta.org.
B'shalom, Beth Blick
Parents/Loving Adults!
Rabbi Rachael and Youth Programing could use your help!
Rabbi Rachael is looking for volunteers to pick up pizza for youth group programs from the Sandy Springs Costco
She’d take care of all the ordering, you’d just need to pop inside, pick it up, and bring it to Temple Emanu-El when you come to pick up your child(ren)!
It doesn't even matter if your child is attending the event that day! The pizza just needs a ride!
Click HERE to let Rabbi Rachael know you’d be willing to help.
Temple Emanu-El 1580 Spalding Drive Atlanta, GA 30350