Purim Carnival & Sunday School Logistics - 3/20/22
03/18/2022 03:35:06 PM
Date Added
Purim Carnival & Sunday School Logistics - 3/20/22
We are SO excited for Sunday! The Purim Carnival is a BIG operation and there are several logistical items everyone NEEDS to know! This short list will allow for MAXIMUM FUN & SAFETY.
1. PreKindergarten will join us at 10:00 am in the sanctuary - no 9:30 class.
2. Kindergarten through 7th grades - drop off (TOP PARKING LOT AND WALK CHILDREN DOWN...the road will be closed at 8:30 for set up).
3. Parents should join their children in the sanctuary at 10:00 for the Purim Shpiel (written & performed by 7th & 8th graders).
4. Wristbands for students WITH parents present will be handed out in the sanctuary before dismissal to 10:30 carnival.
5. Any child (6th and younger) without a parent present, will be taken to the Religious School office to call home.
6. Items for drop-off can be brought to the main entrance ( SignUp Genius ). There are many items still available on the sign-up!
7. Volunteers (we neeeeeeeeed you) can check in with Jess Goldberg when you arrive. If you don't know Jess, I will introduce you...or look for the woman in the rainbow wig.
8. Costumes are encouraged!
9. There will be food for sale...everything is $1 (pizza, hamentashen, sodas, fruit)!
10. Bring your friends and sign them in at the WELCOME TABLE!
Sunday, March 20 10:00 - Shpiel in the Sanctuary (students 6th grade & younger need a parent) 10:30-12:30 - Purim Carnival *9:45-10:30 - Sensory Friendly Carnival*