Purim Carnival & Sunday School Logistics - 3/5/2023
03/01/2023 05:20:04 PM
Date Added
Purim Carnival & Sunday School Logistics - 3/5/2023
We are SO excited for Sunday! The Purim Carnival is a BIG operation and there are several logistical items everyone NEEDS to know! This short list will allow for MAXIMUM FUN & SAFETY.
1. PreKindergarten through 6th grades - drop off (TOP PARKING LOT AND WALK CHILDREN DOWN...the road will be closed at 8:30 for set up).
2. Parents should join their children in the sanctuary at 10:00 for the Purim Shpiel (written & performed by 7th & 8th graders).
3. Wristbands for students WITH parents present will be handed out in the sanctuary before dismissal to 10:30 carnival.
4. Any child (6th and younger) without a parent present, will be taken to the Religious School office to call home.
5. Items for drop-off can be brought to the main entrance ( SignUp Genius ). There are many items still available on the sign-up!
6. Volunteers (we neeeeeeeeed you) can check in with Marina Alberhasky when you arrive. If you don't know Marina, I will introduce you!
7. Costumes are encouraged!
8. There will be food for sale...everything is $1 (pizza, hamentashen, sodas, fruit)! Chill Latte will be here, too!
9. Bring your friends and sign them in at the WELCOME TABLE!
10. Fulfill the Purim mitzvah of Mattanot Le-evyonim (gifts for the needy) and the Passover mitzvah of opening the door to all who are hungry.
Drop off items at the carnival. Popular items include peanut butter, protein bars, granola bars, cereal, oatmeal, canned tuna, canned pasta, canned soups, canned fruits and canned vegetables. Items do not need to be kosher.
Sunday, March 5 V.I.P.urim 9-10:30 10:00 - Shpiel in the Sanctuary (students 6th grade & younger need a parent) 10:30-12:30 - Purim Carnival *10-10:30 - Sensory Friendly Carnival*