Mark your calendar- 4/23 - Sunday School, Israel Fest
- 4/30 - Sunday School & 6th Grade KSU Museum of History & Holocaust Education
- 5/7 - Sunday School
- 5/14 - NO SCHOOL
- 5/21 - Last Day of School!
We are so excited about THIS Sunday's 1st annual Israel Fest happening during Sunday School. Our students will be immersed in celebrations of Israel through learning, art, food, music, and dance! I can't wait!!
Last week in...
This week we discussed what it means to be trustworthy. We learned that trustworthiness is a moral value considered to be a virtue. A trustworthy person is someone in whom we can place our trust and rest assured that the trust will not be betrayed.
Please ask your student: What do you think it means to trust someone?
This week continued to learn and understand Shabbat. We mostly focused on the beginnings of the celebration and learned via different songs and workbooks.
Please ask your student: How do you wish someone else a good Shabbat? (ANSWER: Shabbat Shalom.)
1st Grade
This Sunday we will focus on the Mitzvah of taking care of animals. We will read about Noah and the Ark. The students will be able to retell the story and imagine they were in charge of taking care of an animal on the ark. We will discuss why we need to take care of animals and brainstorm a list of little things we can do to take care of them.
Please ask your student: What are some ways we can take care of animals? How is this a mitzvah?
2nd Grade
This week we learned about King David when he was a young man. David was asked by his father to take water to his brothers, who were soldiers fighting the Philistines. When he saw that none of the soldiers would fight Goliath, he volunteered.. He tells King Saul that he has fought and he has confidence he can win against Goliath. Why.. because he has killed lions and bears when protecting his sheep in the hills, and he has faith in God to protect him. This story teaches us that size doesn't always matter, that faith in God can give us strength to fight difficult battles in life.
Please ask your student: How did David kill Goliath? Why wasn't he scared, when all the other soldiers were too frightened to challenge the giant?
4th Grade
Fourth graders explored different geographical, and historical areas in Israel. They searched for fun things to do and see and then 'sold' their findings to the rest of the class as a travel agent.
Please ask your student: What part of Israel who you like to visit? Why?
5th Grade
Our 5th graders went to Garden Isaiah to learn all about what our garden does for our community. After learning about the garden, the class spent some time harvesting radishes, planting lettuce, and weeding the beds. It was beautiful watching the students serve their community.
6th Grade
Our focus for class today was all about the Israeli High Holy Days. See if your 6th grader can remember the 3 holidays:
Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day)
Yom HaZikaron (Israeli Memorial Day)
Yom HaAtzmaut (Israeli Independence Day)
We used newspaper-cartoon-style art work to discuss and learn about each of the holidays. Additionally, we watched a brief little video that related to each holiday. For Yom HaShoah we heard from a survivor who shared their memory of liberation day. For Yom HaZikaron we watched a video that showed how the bustling Shuk Machane Yehudah (the famous open air market in Jerusalem) comes to a hault when the sirens sound to commemorate the day. Finally, we watched some clips of how Israelis have fun on Yom HaAtzmaut.
Class concluded with our Stones of Remembrance project. Each student received a stone and wrote the name of a child who died in the Holocaust on the stone. They then decorated the stones and placed them in our Daffodil garden.
7th & 8th Grades
This week was a deep dive into values. The students worked through a values lesson to explore ideas, where we see these values in our lives, where these values are absent, and how we, as Jewish people, should behave.