___________________________________________ Mazel tov to all of the students who moved up a kippah level this week in Hebrew Skills!
We are so proud of your hard work.
Don't forget to keep practicing! (5 minutes/day is THE best!)
All prayer packets and videos can be found HERE . ___________________________________________
Sunday Synopses
Kindergarten Today we learned about what a Cantor is and how a Cantor is different and similar to a Rabbi. We learned about our Cantor, Cantor Lauren at Temple Emanu-El. We also made portraits of Cantor Lauren from our workbook. Ask your student: 1. What is the Hebrew word for Cantor? (Answer: Hazan), 2. What are the jobs of a Cantor?
1st Grade Today we learned all about the holiday of Tu B'shevat. We read stories about the holiday of the trees, made tree art, and learned all about planting trees. Ask your student: What is Tu B'shevat? Why do we celebrate it?
2nd Grade Tu B'shevat was on the menu today in class. We read books, made trees out of paper, noodles, and beans, and learned why this holiday is so important. Ask your student: Why is Tu B'shevat so important?
3rd Grade This week in Judaics we focused on a different kind of hero - the tree as a hero. This was the focus since Tu B'Shevat is coming up this week. We read the story The Giving Tree and discussed how the tree is such an important part of life. Ask your student: How is a tree a hero? In Applied Hebrew we explored G'milut Hasadim, which is bettering the world by doing the work ourselves. We read the story "A Visit to Heaven and Hell" to illustrate how we can do the good work ourselves. Ask your student: What made heaven a great place? What was the Rabbi's choice at the end of the story?
4th Grade Today in Judaic Studies, the 4th grade began a project that will take a few weeks to complete. We will be creating our own Social Justice Haggadah! We discussed the Haggadah & how we can incorporate social justice issues. The 4th graders came up with AMAZING examples of how the lessons of Passover can apply to modern time. Ask your 4th grader what piece of the Haggadah s/he worked on today (answers will differ/ Tikkun Olam/ Repairing the World, Zehirut/ Awareness, Veshinantam Levanecha/ Teach Your Children, Pidyon Shvuyim/ Redeeming the Captive, Bal Taschit/ Care for Environment....) In Applied Hebrew Through Moses and Aaron, God brings plagues on the Egyptians, and Pharaoh repeatedly refuses to allow the Israelites to leave. We talked about the the relation between Aaron, Moses and G-d. We also talked about Moses as a leader and a convincing man with Pharaoh. We read a play and every student took a part in this activity. We had a conversation about the story in this Parasha and also about the main actors in this play. בא Pharashat Bo - Pharaoh still refuses to let the Jews leave Egypt, so G‑d brings more plagues on Egypt. We read the play and explained what is going on in this Parasha. We watched a short video that will explain the Parasha. Please ask your children about the discussion we had in class about Moses as a leader and his big mission to take the nation out of Egypt.
5th Grade Our Madricha lead a session about gratitude - Why do we have to remember always to say "Thank you"? How can we change the world by using "Thank you" more often? At the end of the session the students wrote a "Thank you" note where they expressed their gratitude. Ask your student: 1. How can we, together as a family, appreciate our togetherness, happiness, and health? 2. In your opinion, who do you need to say thank you to and why?
6th Grade Our sixth graders got off to a great start. We began with a little class bonding and a great game of “the wind blows for…” (ask your kids how to play!). Next, our Israeli shinshin, Omer, taught the kids how to become a map of Israel with their bodies. Then the students became either “Israel” or a “tour guide” and had to place major Israeli cities onto the map. Finally, we ended our day with a delightful game of “Jewpardy” with questions related to Israeli government, culture, dates, technology, and people. I was so impressed with what the students already knew and the game offered the chance for them to be introduced to new terms and fun facts! We’ll get to finish the game at the start of our next class.
7th Grade Today 7th grade explored various texts that all dealt with Tu B'shevat. The students chose one of the texts to read, explore, and apply to themselves, the world, modern life, or another aspect of Judaism. Ask your student what text they chose and how they applied it.
Temple Emanu-El 1580 Spalding Drive Atlanta, GA 30350