____________________________________________________ Upcoming Dates 2/10 - AIAAS Town Hall (info below) 2/17 - No school 3/10 - No school 3/17 - Purim Shpiel & Carnival/Mitzvah Day (info below) 3/22 (Friday) - RS Shabbat Services & Dinner (info below) 3/24 - 7th & 8th Grade Field Trip ( register here ) 3/31 - No School ____________________________________________________
Mitzvot Opportunities
Please remember that we are collecting tzedakah each week that is being used to buy food for the CAC (Community Assistance Center) food pantry. By sending in any amount of money with your student, you are helping them to do a mitzvah that aids the community. If you would like more information about CAC, please click here.
Please send in to the Religious School office any of the following items that will be used to create projects with The Packaged Good at our Purim Carnival/Mitzvah Day: pencils, pencil sharpeners, pens, erasers, highlighters, flair pens If you would like more information about The Packaged Good, please click here .
This week in Art... 5th grade - Baal tashchit(do not waste or destroy) Each student came up with a 6 word phrase that connected them to the concept of Baal tashchit. Then we took recycled pulp clay and created a sculpture that represented their phrase. Then each student gave their perspective on what theirs represented. They had great concepts. Example Phrase :Plastic is definitely not more fantastic. Sculpture: plastic water bottle Lastly we pushed parsley seeds into sculptures to germinate for Passover. Thereby reusing, recycling, and giving back to nature.
2nd grade - crossing sea of reeds We worked on a collage style accordion book to retell parts of the Exodus story. As they learn more, more scenes can be added.
1st grade - tza 'ar Ba'alei Chayim As they drew their favorite animals on pet neckerchiefs we talked about how/why we can be kind to the animals. The neckerchiefs will be donated to one of the organizations that find homes for unwanted pets.
Kindergarten - 10 commandments We worked on creating"commandments kid" sock puppets. We talked about the commandment to honor father and mother. Then the puppets demonstrated examples of ways to follow this commandments. For example, cleaning room when asked. ____________________________________________________ Kindergarten - Today we learned about the 10 Commandments. We learned how the 10 Commandments are guidelines we should follow to be a good person. We made our own version of writing the 10 commandments on "stone tablets" like they did way back in the day.
1st Grade - This week we talked about chesed. We made buckets and talked about being kind. We practiced kindness and filling each other’s’ buckets.
2nd Grade - This week we saw pieces of The Prince of Egypt - specifically Moses being put into the basket and the river and being saved by the Queen. We talked about how this visual was similar and different to the story we had already read.
3rd Judaics - We discussed Anne Frank- a modern day heroine. Students listened to her story and diary. They brainstormed thoughts of why she is considered a model and heroine to teenagers. In small groups lead by Madrichim, they discussed a question related to her story and presented it to the class. 3rd Applied Hebrew - This week, we began class with a fun game called Two Truths and a Lie. Every student had their turn and had to tell the rest of the class three things about themselves, two of which were true and one of which was false. The rest of the class then had to figure out which statement was false. After the game, we discussed how telling lies can be fun when they are part of a game, but can be hurtful if they are told in real life. That conversation transitioned us to reading the story of Jacob and Esau’s Blessing. The kids acted out the story, which can be found in Genesis 27. We will continue discussing the merits of being truthful next Sunday.
4th Judaics - This week the 4th grade got to spend time with Omer, our ShinShin. We had A BLAST!!!! Omer told us about the tv show Eurovision and shared music from many different Israeli artists. The best part was WE GOT TO BE THE JUDGES! We evaluated each act based on costumes, dancing, music and overall show. It was so much fun hearing Israeli music from different generations. 4th Applied Hebrew - In last week's Parashah, after years of the Jews' enslavement and then all the ten plagues that G d heaped upon the Egyptians, Pharaoh had let the Jews out of Egypt. But in this week, Parasaht Beshalach, בשלח no sooner are the Jews out of Egypt that Pharaoh changes his mind once again and begins chasing after them!
5th Judaics - Today we watched part of the Prince of Egypt! We discussed the discrepancies between the film and the Torah portions. We also talked about the traditions of Passover. 5th Applied Hebrew - "Bal Taschit" - Do not wait" needs to be part of our daily routine. Today, Morah Shoshana mades an art project related to this important value as a preparation for our next Hebrew class, where the students will learn how to make our planet a better, clean environment.
6th Grade - This week, the entire 6th grade made aliyah to Israel! They were broken into groups and assigned a particular aliyah from history. Some groups made aliyah from Europe, and some from places like Ethiopia, Yemen, and Libya. Ask your child which aliyah they participated in and what they learned about the other instances when people left their homes to move to Israel. They’ll be able to tell you some “push” factors and the “pull” factors as well!
7th/8th Grade - We went to The Temple to learn about the history of Jewish Atlanta firsthand. We also observed Project Tolerance, a teen-led theater troupe that integrates lessons of the holocaust with modern social dilemmas along the lines of race, gender, sexuality and antisemitism.
Temple Emanu-El 1580 Spalding Drive Atlanta, GA 30350