____________________________________________________ Upcoming Dates 3/10 - No school 3/17 - Purim Shpiel (10:00) & Carnival/Mitzvah Day (10:30-12:30) 3/22 (Friday) - RS Shabbat Services (6:30) & Dinner (7:15) (sign up here) 3/24 - 7th & 8th Grade Field Trip (register here) 3/31 - No School ____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ Sunday Synopses Kindergarten Today we reviewed all of the things we have learned in the temple. We split up into 2 teams and did a scavenger hunt to find different items in the temple. We had so much fun reviewing all we learned all year!
1st Grade We discussed Leshon hara. We talked about "biting your tongue" and only saying kind things. The class discovered kind words, made kindness badges, and practiced being kind to one another.
2nd Grade Today we learned all about the 10 commandments. We learned how Moses brought the 10 commandments down from Mount Sinai, what they are, and how we can follow them. We then created our own set of commandments.
3rd Grade Judaics We discussed Anne Frank- A modern day heroine. Students listened to her story and diary. They brainstormed thoughts of why she is considered a model and heroine to teenagers. In small groups led by Madrichim they discussed a question related to her story and presented it to the class.
4th Grade Applied Hebrew We learned about 3 Parashot this week. Parashat Tetzveh, tells us more about the goings-on of the Mishkan, the tabernacle or temporary Sanctuary in which the Divine Presence dwelled during the Jews’ journeys through the desert. Parashat Ki Tisa talks about the Mishkan, the Golden Calf and the second tablets. The last Parasha is Vayakhel that talks about Moses and how he gathers the People of Israel and repeats to them all the things God has told him in the previous three Parashot. So a lot of this Parshah repeats things we've read before.
4th Grade Judaics This week, we are continuing our discussions about Passover, the Hagaddah and how we can apply these lessons to current events. The kids are working so hard on creating their own Social Justice Hagaddah and I am very proud of them.
5th Grade Applied Hebrew We learned 3 important values that will help us in "Tikun Olam" and understanding better the word around us: 1. Sh'lom Bayit (peace in the home) 2. Bal Tash-chit (do not waste. 3. Hakarta Ha-Todah (gratitude). This week we focused on our Father and Mother and what does it mean by saying "Show Kavod," and of course where we can find this important value in the Torah. After discussion we are going to make "My new promise to my mother and father".
5th Grade Judaics Today we finished watching the Prince of Egypt! We discussed how the movie differs from the Book of Exodus. We also talked about some of the origins of the traditions of Passover.
6th Grade During class this week our 6th graders “became” various characters from Israeli society. There was a sampling of Israeli society from Orthodox Jewish men to Reform Jewish women; Muslim Israeli-Arab men and Muslim Palestinian Women; Jewish Immigrants from other countries and non-Jewish immigrants from other countries; etc. The students were surprised by the privileges afforded to some groups and the struggles of others. Ask your child what part of society they participated in and what they recall about their character.