Hebrew Skills Practice foundHERE - 5 minutes/day OR 15 minutes twice/week.
Sunday Synopses Kindergarten Today we learned about what Passover is. We read a popup book that explained the story of Passover and why we eat matzah during Passover. Then we drew our favorite part of celebrating Passover.
1st Grade Today we began our study of Passover by learning all about the 10 plagues. We also started talking about what the holiday is and why we celebrate it. We will continue learning about Passover over the next few weeks.
2nd Grade Today we read Max’s Passover Story where we learned the four questions the youngest member of the family asks at seder. Then we watched the Prince of Egypt to learn more about the story of the Passover holiday.
Kindergarten Hebrew class learned about celebrating shabbat. They read about Shira's shabbat and created their own shabbat table.
4th Applied Hebrew ויקרא God tells Moses to explain to the sons of Israel the ways of bringing the different offerings to God. There will be offerings of animals and grains and fruit. Animals for sacrifice shall be male and without blemish. For the grain, the offering will be with fine wheat flour and oil and incense. Another kind was the sin offering. If the entire council of Israel sins inadvertently and something is hidden from the community, guilt will be incurred. If the sin becomes known in the community, then the community shall bring an offering for sin. A bull is to be brought by the elders of the community and made into an offering to clear the community of sin.
5th Grade Today we talked about the values of Purim! We discussed what it means to be courageous and brave. We also talked about ways we can stand up for what is right in our daily lives.
6th Grade This week our 6th graders had the chance to enter a simulated “Gadna” (Israeli bootcamp) led by our Israeli shinshin, Omer! Throughout the lesson they had the chance to learn interesting facts about the Israeli Defense Force. Ask your 6th grader about their favorite fun fact!
7th & 8th Grade This week our students visited the Breman Museum. They had a tour of the museum and were able to hear Holocaust survivor, Murray Lynn, uncle of Ilan Weismark, speak about his experiences during the Holocaust. The students and parents who attended had an amazing experience.
We can't do our Practice Passover Seders without you! Please sign-up HERE to help!