What an amazing first day! I know I say that every year on the first day, but I TRULY mean it.
I am so thankful for all of our Temple families who prioritize Sunday School, who bring me their delightful kiddos, and who make this job so much fun!
Our first week was spent getting to know one another - playing mixers and ice breakers and name games, oh my! Ask your child if they can tell you their teacher's name(s)? Madrich? Madrichah? Cheat sheet below.... Also, you should receive a class contact list this week. If you don't receive it by Friday, please let me know.
See you all on Sunday for our first "typical" day, and our first day of PreK!
Meet The Teachers & Madrichim
Kindergarten Teacher - Elyssa Poretsky Madrich - Jordy Levy
1st Grade Teacher - Joy Rosa Madrichim - Jenny Sullivan & Max Bieber
Office Coordinator - Lynne Kahn Madrich - Sam Shapira
This is our "typical" Sunday schedule. **subject to change**
Ropes Course Trips! Bond with your class (3rd-8th grades) at the JCC ropes course on the following dates: 9/8 - 7th Grade 9/22 - 8th Grade 10/6 - 5th & 6th Grades 10/27 - 3rd & 4th Grades Drop off at 9:30. Pick up at 12:00. More info to come via email!
PreK begins this week! We can't wait to WELCOME our newest students! The Diamond Family Religious School at Temple Emanu-El is proud to launch our PreKindergarten Program.
We want to welcome you and your children to a year of stimulating Jewish educational experiences.
Weekly Tzedakah - help your children to remember to bring tzedakah weekly - any amount is GREAT. All tzedakah will go towards filling the shelves with food at the Community Assistance Center (CAC). Join TE and Second Helpings Atlanta Drive Out Hunger TE volunteers are needed to join Second Helpings Atlanta in rescuing nutritious surplus food and distributing it to persons in need.
It's a great family project for engaging our kids in helping address food insecurity in our own neighborhoods. Adopting a route is a once-a-month commitment that only requires big hearts, a large car or van, and a few muscles to lift some of the heavier containers of groceries. The routes are in Dunwoody and Sandy Springs.
For more information, please contact Karen Singer at KSinger78@gmail.comor 404.550.0502.
Temple Emanu-El 1580 Spalding Drive Atlanta, GA 30350