Happy 5780 everyone! We missed everyone last Sunday and are looking forward to seeing all the kiddos back this week.
5th and 6th graders will be at the ropes course this week. 5th grade parents are having their meet up at Crema after drop off. Hope you can make it! Don't forget: If your Kindergarten-Third grade student is attending Kids' Club during the YOM KIPPUR ALEPH service (8-10:15 am) on Wednesday, 10/9, please register them ahead of timeHERE .
If your 8th-12th grader would like to help with Kids' Club on 10/9 during the ALEPH service, please have them fill out this form. They will need to check in at 7:40 am on the day of services.
The kids are encouraged to study their kippah level prayers, and ask to be tested when they are ready to move up a level. Additionally, the kids can attend office hours with their Hebrew teacher at 8:45 am on Sundays. Click HERE for Hebrew Skills practice pages.
IMPORTANT: Please remember, if you need to check your child out early, notify the office as soon as possible. You will need to come to the office to sign your child out - teachers have been instructed not to let children leave the classroom unless someone from the office comes to pick them up. Please help us with this security measure.
Ropes Course Trips!
Bond with your class (3rd-8th grades) at the JCC ropes course on the following dates: 10/6 - 5th & 6th Grades 10/27 - 3rd & 4th Grades Drop off at 9:30. Pick up at 12:00.
Opportunities for Mitzvot Weekly Tzedakah - help your children to remember to bring tzedakah weekly - any amount is GREAT. All tzedakah will go towards filling the shelves with food at the Community Assistance Center (CAC) .
Dear Temple Emanuel Families, For my bar-mitzvah project I am working with an organization called Soles4Souls. Soles4Souls is a shoe donation company that collects shoes and gives them to less fortunate people in third world countries. For example, they distribute to Honduras, Dominican Republic, and also African and South American nations. Soles4Souls also supplies village shoe dealers in small towns with shoes to allow them to make a profit, resulting in them putting food on the table for their children. If you would like to donate, there will be a blue box outside of the religious school office for you all to put shoes in.
Thank you, Sam Dale 8th Grade, Madrichim-in-Training
Join us for CONSECRATION & SIMCHAT TORAH on Sunday, 10/20.
Consecration is a wonderful event where we welcome new K, 1, and 2 students to their Jewish education. It is such a special ceremony for our young students.
Our entire congregation should plan to come celebrate our consecrants and the FUN of Simchat Torah!