Snack Time: Students are welcome to bring a healthy snack with them on Sundays.
IMPORTANT: Please remember, if you need to check your child out early, notify the office as soon as possible. You will need to come to the office to sign your child out - teachers have been instructed not to let children leave the classroom unless someone from the office comes to pick them up. Please help us with this security measure.
Chanukah party & services - 12/13/19 - registration & info below! With performances by: Grades K, 1, and 2 - "I Had a Little Dreidel" Grades 3, 4, and 5 - Barchu/Roll into Dark/Shema Grades 6, 7, and 8 - Mi Chamocha Zimria - your Chanukah favorites!
Only 2 (!!!) more classes until our semester break. Students in Kippah Adom (red) through Kippah Katom (orange) should move up at least one kippah level before January.
The kids are encouraged to study their kippah level prayers (5 minutes each day), and ask to be tested when they are ready to move up a level. Additionally, the kids can attend office hours with their Hebrew teacher at 8:45 am on Sundays. Click on the links below for Hebrew Skills practice pages: Kippah Lavan (white)LINK Kippah Adom (red)LINK Kippah Tzahov (yellow) LINK Kippah Yarok (green) LINK Kippah Kachol (blue) LINK Kippah Sagol (purple) LINK Kippah Katom (orange) LINK
DFRS Chanukah Party & Services Join your family and friends to light the candles, spin the dreidle, eat the latkes, and have the fun!
Friday, 12/13/19 at 6:45 pm Wear your festive chanukah gear and BYOB!
o 6:45-7:30 Dinner o 7:30 Shabbat Services & Chanukah Sing along
It is getting colder, and with the cold weather may come nasty weather. Please make sure you have joined the DFRS Remind group! Click HERE or follow the directions below:
Temple Emanu-El 1580 Spalding Drive Atlanta, GA 30350