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Membership Application

Adult Member 1
Adult Member 2
Please register any child under 22.

Yahrzeit Information
Please complete this section if you would like to be reminded of the anniversary of the death of a sibling, spouse, parent or child. You will be notified according to the Hebrew Calendar. 
If there are additional Yahrzeit's for a sibling, spouse, parent or child you'd like us to have on file, please email Marina Alberhasky at ( with the information mentioned in this section.

Membership Categories 
(For Associate Membership) Please list the name and address of your primary synagogue.
Special Circumstances or Needs

Please use this space to share any special circumstances or needs not addressed anywhere above.

Membership Payment Information
Our congregation has its own timely financial obligations; it becomes critical that if you choose to make periodic payments, as defined in the schedule below or through special arrangement, you adhere to the schedule selected. If you are unable to make your schedule, contact the Executive Director to determine an alternative payment schedule
Please read the following carefully: 

I/We understand that as a member of the Temple Emanu-El community I/we am/are committing to be a part of a sacred community.  In acceptance of that responsibility, I/We am/are committing to pay the dues as specified above and the assessments as may be fixed by the Congregation Board.
I/We agree to pay the selected dues for our Temple Emanu-El dues and fees through May 31

Adult Member 1
Adult Member 2
Volunteer Interest Form 
I am interested in the following areas (check all that apply) :
Mon, January 20 2025 20 Tevet 5785