Yaacov Agam was born Yaakov Gibstein in Rishon LeZion. His father, Yehoshua Gibstein, was a rabbi and a kabbalist. He was born May 11, 1928. He is an Israeli sculptor and experimental artist best known for his contributions to optical and kinetic art. He also pioneered the unique Op Art form known as Agamogaphs.
Materials o Templates 1 or 2 (attached below) o Cardstock/Paper o Markers o Glue Stick (Method 2 only)
Instructions TEMPLATE 1
To Make: o Step One Draw a design in each of the “A” rows. Try to use repeating colors and patterns and utilize the tick marks to help plan your design. o Step Two Repeat step 1 with the “B” rows. o Step Three Cut along bold line. o Step Four Fold along the light lines in an accordion shape.
TEMPLATE 2 o Step One Draw two different pictures, one in PICTURE TEMPLATE 1 and a different one in PICTURE TEMPLATE 2. o Step Two Cut out PICTURE TEMPLATES and BASE TEMPLATE along bold lines. o Step Three Cut PICTURE TEMPLATES into strips along dashed lines. o Step Four Fold BASE TEMPLATE along the light lines in an accordion shape. o Step Five Glue PICTURE TEMPLATE strips to the BASE TEMPLATE, matching the numbers and letters on the bottom of the strips to the corresponding letters and numbers on the base. o Step Six Re-crease the base as necessary once the picture strips are dry.