If you need to check your kiddo out early, please let Beth know by email OR stop by the Religious School office on Sunday morning. We will have your child waiting for you at the necessary time for you to sign out. Students will not be released directly to parents from classrooms. Thank you for your help.
Please be sure to mark your calendars for the following:- March 26 - Sunday School & Passover Experiences
- April 2 - Sunday School
- April 9 - No School!
- April 14-16 - Grades 4-5-6 Retreat (registration email coming today!)
Last Sunday in...PreKLast week we focused on Pesach story. We discussed what slavery is and how God used the plagues to set his people free. We worked on a plague book.
Ask your studnet: What are the first five plagues? Why did the Jewish people want to be free?
KindergartenLast week worked on putting everything together from what the kindergartners have learned throughout the year so far. We’re pumped to begin learning about Passover coming up!
Ask your student: Can you tell me the Jewish item we put on the doorposts to bless the entrance somewhere? (The Mezzuzah) What is the clothing item you put on when you become a Bar or Bat Mitzvah? (A Tallis or Tallit)
1st GradeLast week our students focused on chesed and what it means to be kind" bucket fillers." This week we will attend a Passover Experience in the small social hall. We will also read a story about what Passover means. The students will create a train and on each car will be one of the four questions. Ask your 1st grader about the Passover Experience and to tell you what the four questions are.
2nd GradeLast week we learned about when Moses goes to Pharoah, saying that God commands him to let the Israelites go free. After 10 terrible plagues, the Pharoah agrees. When Pharoah realizes what this means, he and his army chase the Jews. The Israelites were able to cross the Sea of Reeds safely, but the Egyptian army drowns.
Ask your student: Why does Pharoah finally let the Israelites leave Egypt? (the 10th plague is the death of the first born in very Egyptian home). Where do the Israelites go to escape? (the Sea of Reeds)
3rd GradeThis week we continued learning about the hero of the Pesach story, Moses! We also got to do a super fun activity in Art! Be sure to ask your child about what they made. And don't forget, Pesach (Passover) is coming up soon!
Ask your student: Q1) What was the art project today? Q2) What is the next major Jewish holiday?
4th GradeJudaics and Applied Hebrew are closing linked in our study of Passover. Applied Hebrew focused on why Passover is a very instrumental holiday to help us to preserve our Jewish narrative. In Judaics, we continued writing our Haggadas. Students worked in small groups and explored how people see the same thing in different ways.
Ask your student: Which of the 4 children did you like the most? How do you like writing your Haggah? What are different motifs one will find in our Hagada?
5th GradeLast week in Applied Hebrew, Naama, our Shinshinit, taught a lesson about the beauty of Israel. We loved learning more about Israel with Naama.
Ask your student: What have you learned about Israel form the eyes of the Shinshinit.
In Judaics last week, we discussed the 10 plagues that God brought upon the Egyptians in the Torah. We then compared the biblical story to a scientific theory of the source of the plagues.
Ask your student: What do you think about the scientific explanations about the source of the plagues?
6th GradeLast week, the class played games to review different types of Zionism and the map of Israel through the years. The class also completed a puzzle to put together Hatikvah in order in Hebrew and in English.
Ask your student: Which activity did you enjoy the most? Have them tell you one type of Zionism.
7th/8th GradesLast week, 7th and 8th grades continued prepping and preparing to lead the Passover experiences that our younger grades will participate in next week.